Furor over AML/CFT Evaluations of Caribbean States – Who Makes the Next Move? Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (16 May 2017) — A number of Caribbean governments have...
Tillerson’s Jamaica visit will divide CARICOM, Unless…
Tillerson’s Jamaica visit will divide CARICOM, Unless… Ambassador Curtis A. Ward While Secretary Rex Tillerson’s scheduled visit to Jamaica has been received with some...
“America has come to its senses” Part 2 – Along came Obama
As Barack Obama comes to the end of his eight-years as President of the United States of America, many there are who are beginning to make their assessments of his tenure...
Licensed to Kill
Licensed to Kill Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (25 August 2024) — There are two contending forces in the context of crime and security in Jamaica, though not unique to any...
Eric Leopold Edwards (Leo) – Tribute to the Life and Legacy of a Caribbean American (1922-2020)
Eric Leopold Edwards (Leo) – Tribute to the Life and Legacy of a Caribbean American (1922-2020) This production of video Tributes, hosted by Ambassador Curtis Ward and...
Caribbean Response to COVID-19: A conversation with representatives of regional players
Caribbean Response to COVID-19 Conversation Hosted by Ambassador Curtis Ward for CaribNation TV and The Ward Post Special Guests: Dr. Joy St. John, Executive Director...
Latest Stories
Manipulating the Democratic Process is Morally Corrupt
Manipulating the Democratic Process is Morally Corrupt Ambassador Curtis A. Ward The fact that the law is deficient should not give rise to manipulation of the democratic...
Autocracy in practice, Jamaica beware
Autocracy in practice, Jamaica beware Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (01 September 2024) — It is creeping autocracy which often goes unnoticed. This writer has been raising...
Licensed to Kill
Licensed to Kill Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (25 August 2024) — There are two contending forces in the context of crime and security in Jamaica, though not unique to any...
Jamaica, a country without borders is a fiction
Jamaica, a country without borders is a fiction Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (21 July 2024) — The idea that Jamaica is a country without borders while resonating...
UK elections and opportunities for CARICOM engagement
UK elections and opportunities for CARICOM engagement Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (15 July 2024) — Congratulations are in order to UK’s new prime minister the Hon. Keir...
Dual Citizenship and the Opposition Leader’s decision
Dual Citizenship and the Opposition Leader’s decision Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (15 July 2024) – The question of dual citizenship has evolved into a vexing issue for...
Carnage in the streets and the government’s response
Carnage in the streets and the government’s response Ambassador Curtis A Ward (05 July 2024) — It’s hard for me or any well-thinking Jamaican to believe the...
State of American politics, the fall of the Republican Party
State of American politics, the fall of the Republican Party Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (03 July 2024) — The Republican party has lost its way. That’s grossly...
Democracy or Democratic Process without the dividends
Democracy or Democratic Process without the dividends Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (04 June 2024) — For a long time, I have exalted Jamaica as an example of democracy that...