TWP 3rd Anniversary -Thanks!
On October 30, 2016, I posted the following message on Facebook:
“Coming this week!!!
I am launching my blog “The Ward Post”. I will be discussing issues of great importance to Jamaica and the entire Caribbean – in the region and in the Diaspora. I will also cover some global issues. I will be joined from time to time by guest bloggers. Please follow me on Facebook so you will be alerted to each new post. Also, don’t forget to share. Thanks for being a faithful FB friend.”
The very next day, on October 31, 2016, The Ward Post (TWP) was launched with my first article: “Caribbean Financial Sector Challenged by U.S. FATCA Requirements.” In the three years since its launch, TWP has published a total of 143 Posts covering a wide spectrum of topical issues. My Posts have reached and have been read by thousands (on every continent, except Antarctica).
It has been an interesting three years and I have many to thank.
First, I thank my wife Sonia for her support and encouragement for me to write (including my book which I haven’t gotten to just yet).
A special thanks to Brian Fough who recommended the best platform for what I wanted to do with TWP and created it for me. Brian tutored me on how to be self-reliant in posting my articles and managing my web page; he has responded to every idea I have put forward; and he has guided me every step of the way.
Thanks to Gabriel Christian, Esq., for his moral support, constant encouragement, and advertising support.
I am grateful to Larry Sindass, founder and producer of CaribNation TV for his encouragement, and for affording me the opportunity to host programs on CaribNation TV; for allowing me to share some of his programs on TWP; and thanks Larry for that impromptu interview you did of me on my life’s journey.
I thank other media personalities who have appreciated my work and engaged me in one form or other on their programs over the past three years, including:
Irwine Clare, O.D., a pre-eminent diaspora leader, who (often with very little warning) has sought my views covered in TWP, on his program on Irie Jam Radio 360;
Earl Moxam of RJR who has given me the opportunity to share my views on some of the issues on his radio program, and has posted some of my TWP articles on RJR News Online;
Dervan Malcolm on his Jamaican Diaspora show on Power 106 FM who has invited me early Saturday mornings (before I have my first cup of coffee) to discuss some of the topical issues covered on TWP.
Garfield Grandison, General Manager (Acting), Gleaner Company, who invited me to share my views and perspectives on the new Jamaica Gleaner online platform Viewpoints.
The Editor of the Jamaica Observer for republishing a few of my articles over the years.
Guest writers who have entrusted their occasional writings to TWP.
FB friends who take the time to read and/or share my posts.
Subscribers to TWP who welcome TWP automatically delivered to their inboxes.
Those who have encouraged me from day one to share my views on topical issues and who keep asking me for more.
The many readers around the world (on every continent, except Antarctica) who read some of my articles.
I appreciate the feedbacks and comments on TWP, on social media platforms, by messenger, personal email, and WhatsApp.
Thanks to Almighty God for giving me the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and unwavering courage to express my views without fear or favor.
A gracious and sincere Thank You!
Curtis A. Ward
The Ward Post is an invaluable resource in way of informed commentary about our Caribbean and it’s Diaspora. Ambassador Ward is a dedicated development advocate whose grasp of good governance issues, and social justice, inspires the best in those who know him. May Providence grant Curtis Ward and this medium long life
Thanks Gabe. Your continued support for TWP is invaluable.