#TheWardPost TWP Bi-Monthly Brief

The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief, Vol. 3. No. 2. (Mar. – April 2018)

The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief

Vol. 3. No. 2. (March – April 2018)

The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief  brings together in one convenient location a synopsis of, and links to the TWP blogs posted during the previous two months period.

Setting the Stage for U.S. Geostrategic Agenda (Ambassador Curtis A. Ward)

(04/27/2018) — United States president Donald Trump faces a plethora of geopolitical and geosecurity issues with a new and untested foreign policy team – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser, Ambassador John Bolton. Both share common cause with President Trump on limiting the use of diplomacy in settling world affairs.  They project the use of military power as a means to advance U.S. interests abroad.  It is ironic that the Secretary of Defense, retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis, is an advocate for diplomatic solutions and resort to the use of the military as a final option. Trump’s significant reduction in the State Department’s FY2018 budget, the decimation of diplomatic expertise and capacity, in collaboration with former secretary of state Rex Tillerson, and the massive increase in the Defense Department FY 2019 budget reflect the thinking of Trump’s new foreign policy team – military-driven diplomacy and military use as an early option. Read More

“This too will pass” – Firing of Andrew McCabe and American global leadership

March 18, 2018 — Ambassador Curtis Ward offered comments on Jamaica radio station RJR’s popular weekly news review show, That’s a Rap, with acclaimed journalist and host Earl Moxam. In the wake of the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, questions arose on the threat to America’s system of justice and America’s moral authority in global leadership;  and highlighted the importance that such leadership must be grounded in morality, justice, and fair play. Other guests on the show were Ms. Judith Wedderburn and Ms. Nicole Gordon. See audio link below for the full interview.



This too will pass!



Trump’s Foreign Policy by the Seat of his Pants (Ambassador Curtis A. Ward)

 (03/17/2018) — Understanding United States foreign policy can be perplexing. However, American foreign policy, though complex, usually has been logical and coherent.  Astute observers, and by extension foreign governments, could pierce the veil of American foreign policy to reach certain conclusions about underlying objectives. Each U.S. president had a framework – a national security and geopolitical strategy – which provided clues, reduced uncertainty, and allowed the international community to react as appropriate in the interest of international comity among nations. U.S.-led collective response to restore normative behavior where rogue nations are acting contrary to international norms, thus ensuring collective action to restore and protect a stable and safe international environment, were expected. Read More

United States, North Korea, and Russia – Putin the Common Denominator (Ambassador Curtis A. Ward)

(03/12/2018) — There is a common element in United States-North Korea relations that is being overlooked. Sometimes, finding answers to otherwise puzzling questions evades us unless we broaden the scope of our thinking – outside of the box. What appears far-fetched may not be so improbable after all. New developments in U.S.-North Korea relations suggest the possibility that Russian president Vladimir Putin may have had a role in convincing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to invite U.S. president Donald Trump to a bilateral meeting. The possibility of denuclearization of North Korea, though remote, is a tempting proposition. Putin’s likely role in the initiative – choreographed in Moscow – could result from the Russian leader’s connections to both the American president and the North Korean leader. Sanctions is a common denominator. Read More

CaribNation TV: Host–Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (03/09/2018)

cropped-logoGuests:  Sha-Shana Crichton, Professor of Law and Wilfred Rattigan, Former FBI Agent — Crime, Justice and Security in Jamaica and the Caribbean (Video)

In an incisive discussion of “Crime, Justice and Security,” my guests – Law Professor Sha-Shana Crichton and former FBI Agent Wilfred Rattigan, Esq. – and I explored a number of issues which contribute to crime, deficiencies in the criminal justice system, and security, and offer some ways towards solving some of these problems.  Our discussions also identified the lack of political will to support measures necessary to reform law enforcement and related services. Our discussion could not cover all related problems nor provide all the answers during this short, but interesting discussion. (Ambassador Curtis Ward) (Video of full discussion – click here)

Venezuela Exposes the Weaknesses of Regional and International Organizations (Ambassador Curtis A. Ward)

(03/04/2018) — I firmly defend collective action by intergovernmental organizations acting responsibly to resolve intractable problems which have proven to be beyond the scope of domestic institutions within the affected state.  I do not grade these organizations by their successes or failures, but on whether they have the political will and the moral authority to make a good faith effort to bring about a resolution which serves the interests of the people. I grade them on the basis of how the geopolitical interests of the powerful members of these organizations hinder or serve the interests of the international community. This is my rationale for concluding that both the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) have failed on the situation in Venezuela. Read More

Trump’s Economic War on China – Caribbean Collateral Damage (Ambassador Curtis A. Ward)

(03/03/2018) — During his presidential campaign, candidate Donald Trump left little doubt about his disdain for China’s emerging global economic power. He not only framed this in the context of U.S. bilateral trade disadvantages with China, but also what he perceived as China overtaking the U.S. in global economic and trade dominance. Trump promised his supporters he would act against China to reverse this trend. Having now acted to keep those promises, questions arise as to what extent president Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum, aimed primarily at China, will have unintended consequences. Trump’s tariffs, if applied across the board as announced initially, could spark a trade war with U.S. allies more so than with China. …Read More

© 2018 Curtis A. Ward/The Ward Post

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About the author

Ambassador Curtis A. Ward

Ambassador Curtis A. Ward is a former Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations with Special Responsibility for Security Council Affairs (1999-2002) serving on the UN Security Council for two years. He served three years as Expert Adviser to the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee. He is an Attorney-at-Law and International Consultant with extensive knowledge and experience in national and international legal and policy frameworks for effective implementation of United Nations (UN) and other international anti-terrorism mandates; the legal and administrative requirements to effectively implement and enforce anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism (AML/CFT); extensive knowledge of the legal and regulatory requirements for effective implementation and enforcement of United Nations multilateral and U.S.-imposed unilateral sanctions; and the imperatives for Rule of Law and governance. He is a geopolitical and international security analyst, and a human rights, democracy, and anticorruption advocate.

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