The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief Vol. 2. No. 4. (July – August 2017) The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief brings together in one convenient location a synopsis of, and links...
Category - Geopolitics
Drums of War Trump UN North Korean Sanctions
Drums of War Trump UN North Korean Sanctions Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (13 Aug. 2017) — An unusual show of unanimity in the United Nations Security Council imposing...
U.S-Russia Daggers Drawn: Unsheathing the Sanctions Sword
U.S-Russia Daggers Drawn: Unsheathing the Sanctions Sword Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (30 July 2017) — This article could well be titled “Trump vs. Congress on Russian...
OAS Secretary General Offers Resignation Over Venezuela but Sets High Bar
OAS Secretary General Offers Resignation Over Venezuela but Sets High Bar Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (24 June 2017) — In a dramatic “in your face”...
The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief, Vol. 2. No. 2.
The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief Vol. 2. No. 2. (March – April 2017) The Ward Post Bi-Monthly Brief brings together in one convenient location a synopsis of, and links...
Tomahawks over Syria: Trump’s Impulsive Response to Assad’s Carnage
Tomahawks over Syria: Trump’s Impulsive Response to Assad’s Carnage Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (10 April 2017) — No civilized society should tolerate or...
Trump Presidency has Consequences for the Caribbean
Trump Presidency has Consequences for the Caribbean Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (23 march 2017) — As a keen observer and analyst of American politics and government over...
Russia Warns U.S., Sanctions Will Affect Cooperation on Syria
Russia Warns U.S., Sanctions Will Affect Cooperation on Syria Curtis A. Ward (26 Dec 2016) —The Russian Government, in response to new U.S. sanctions on members of...
Obama Sticks it to Trump’s Russian Partner
Obama Sticks it to Trump’s Russian Partner Curtis A. Ward (22 Dec. 2016) — I have been watching and waiting to see what action President Barack Obama would take...